来源: | 作者:66666tw | 发布时间: 2020-08-04 | 742 次浏览 | 分享到:


    辽宁獐子岛四野海参连锁服务有限公司林泽诚董事长,八字属火,五行喜土和火,经我司LOGO策划团队与何荣柱老师共同参详制定设计方案如下,因林董八字五行属火,而海参的功效为补气调和,五行又属火,双重因素决定底图用红色,代表热情 ,寓意销量红火,符合该公司的企业文化内涵,其次,因法定代表人林董的八字喜土和火,最后何荣柱大师与首席LOGO设计名师Laurent博士共同制定最后设计方案,用象形文字交"参"的野生形态展现出来,参的象形图上面将醒目四字公司名展现,四野海参确定用暗黄色系,黄色系五行为土,将中式文化的花纹穿插其中,整个LOGO采用既给人热烈的气息,又突然海参这一品牌主题,配合中式边框和几条洒脱的暗纹飘带,仿佛将人带进了一个精美绝伦,热情奔放的海底野生世界!  
     辽宁獐子岛四野海参连锁服务有限公司LOGO定制理念: 热烈  奔放  中式   洒脱
    Zhangzi Island of Liaoning and sea cucumber Chain Service Co. Ltd. and our reach LOGO registration protocol, by the Division I provide LOGO design and trademark registration, corporate brochure design and other related matters
    Zecheng is chairman of Liaoning Zhangzi Island and sea cucumber Chain Service Co. Ltd., character belongs to fire, the five line like earth and fire, through our LOGO planning team and He Rongzhu teacher common reference formulation design proposal, because the Dong Ba Zi five line of fire, and sea cucumber efficacy for Qi regulating and, five lines of fire, double factors that determine the base map with red, representing passion, meaning the sales booming, in line with the company's corporate culture connotation, secondly, because the legal representative Lin Dong splayed like earth and fire, finally He Rongzhu masters and chief designer Laurent LOGO, CO develop the final design scheme, hieroglyphs to "show the wild form.", ginseng pictograms above will be eye-catching four word company name and show, sea cucumber is determined by the dark yellow, yellow five behavior of soil, the Chinese cultural patterns interspersed among them, the LOGO uses both give people the warm breath of sea cucumber, and suddenly the brand theme, with Chinese border and a few easy dark grain ribbon, as if the people into an exquisite beyond compare, passionate marine wildlife world!
    Zhangzi Island of Liaoning  and sea cucumber Chain Service Co. Ltd. LOGO customization concept: enthusiastic Chinese free and easy
