来源: | 作者:66666tw | 发布时间: 2020-08-04 | 732 次浏览 | 分享到:


    米-粮食和财,人人渴望人人爱。芯-科技之芯,百草植物之精华。颜-肌肤密语,岁月无情不等待。 米芯颜化妆品有限公司创始人米米,从事化妆品行业近十年,始终把最奢侈的部分留给产品,更多的精力用于产品的研发、升级,努力破译肌肤的秘密,让青春永驻,让美丽长存。公司在拥有强大科研团队的基础上,尽量将原生态草本精华与现代高端生物技术相结合,做到真正的天然有机,满足顾客的需求,既有效又安全。



    Rice - grain and wealth, everyone longs for everyone to love. Core technology core, the essence of herbal plants. Yan - skin whisper, relentless years not to wait. The rice core Yan cosmetics Co. Ltd. founder meters, engaged in the cosmetics industry for nearly ten years, has always been the most luxurious part for products, more energy for product development, upgrade, try to decipher the secrets of the skin, let youth, let beauty forever. The company has a strong research team on the basis of the original herbal essence as much as possible and modern high-end biotechnology combine to achieve a true natural organic, to meet customer needs, both effective and safe.
    The company has imperial core Yan and Fan Xijie and other brands! M always believe that beauty stems from self-confidence! The original products will enable you to ease of use, no worries, but inner beauty is who cannot replace. Fan Xi Jie came into being, epoch-making significance. On the basis of the original ecology of organic products, using the law of the universe, the natural crystal energy into people's energy, optimize its own magnetic field, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, personal charm, the one and only the incomparable! Compared to the market rely on high-tech micro beauty products molded out of the false beauty, this is the real beauty, timeless beauty!
    M core Yan LOGO design philosophy: noble, atmosphere, fashion, affinity
